Huw, well done! This was so peripatetic to read, and took me so many places. Ha and in a piece about connection, you just kept connecting ends of undone cords - it felt like "click," "click," "click," clicking into place. Also, your talk on panopticons got me thinking about Steve McAffrey's "Panopticon" from 1984 https://bookhugpress.ca/shop/author/steve-mccaffery/panopticon-by-steve-mccaffery/

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I really enjoyed this. I don't drive and therefore do a lot of walking around Bristol in linear paths, A to B and back to A again, but when I am back in Herefordshire walking in the countryside it feels unnerving to not walk in a circle.

The pirate fact is really cool. The notions of circles and community got me to thinking about our self-directed education project. Everyday we start and end with a sociocratic meeting in a circle. As they are young people and want to test boundaries sometimes people decide to seat themselves in the middle of the circle. It feels jarring, like they have disturbed the feng shui of the space and it feels wrong on a primal level. I wonder if it may be literally that, or if the knowledge that they know that they are deliberately being contrary has buried itself within and resurfaces carrying with such emotions. Cultural or primal, or maybe a bit of both? Who knows. What I do know about our circles is that whilst we have procedures to keep them "kind, connected and... open", when they grow to be larger than 15 people the connectedness goes. The circle gets too big and the bonding that you write of becomes harder to maintain.

However, when there are conflicts that we have to resolve we sit in a linear line. Not facing each other in a line between, a line that draws us into me up and against you, but a line with aggrieved both facing the same way on either side of the mediator. I view this line as a symbol of the infinitely large circle; it says as we sit by side that we are a potential circle waiting to be closed, just as your conflict is a circle that needs closing before you too can move on. The power of working in the physical space of circles is really something to behold.

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I would also add that if a conflict requires more than a one on one mediation and maybe two people are in conflict with two others we still sit in a row side by side but the line starts to bend at the edges, tending to the circular. More than that and we might resolve the conflict with the whole community in a circle, bringing the circle analogy full circle.

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Also I read this again today and realised I missed off the main point of my story in relation to your point. When the circle becomes too large and we have two circles the hardest thing for us as facilitators is making that work for the whole community. In essence ehat processes do we create the covalent bonds between the two circles so the community doesn't become too fractured, too isolated from each other.

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